Thong Dee

Thong Dee pomelo is a native citrus fruit of Thailand. It is also known as "Golden Diamond" pomelo. Some distinguishing features of Thong Dee pomelo are as follows:


Flavor: Thong Dee pomelos have a pleasant lemony scent and a sweet, somewhat tangy flavor. The pulp has a luscious, delicate texture.

Appearance: The Thong Dee variety of pomelos is distinguished by its big size, spherical shape, and thick, bumpy, yellowish-green rind. The largest known fruit weighs 2 kg. The inside flesh is yellow in color, juicy, and segmented.

Nutritional value: Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber can all be found in abundance in Thong Dee pomelos. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants and other botanical compounds with health benefits.

Culinary uses: Thong Dee pomelos are frequently consumed fresh as snacks, side dishes, and sweets. The fruit is used as a garnish for seafood and in salads in Thai cuisine.

Harvest season: Thong Dee pomelos are typically harvested from December to March.

Shelf life: Thong Dee pomelos have a long storage life and can be kept for weeks at room temperature or up to months in the fridge.

Cultural significance: Pomelos are widely presented as gifts in various Asian countries on special occasions, such as the Chinese New Year, because they are seen as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.